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Sharing, Learning & Continuous Improvement | Shuanglin's Summary Meeting on Lean Improvement Event of 2018 was held recently

A few days ago, Shuanglin's annual Summary Meeting on Lean Production Results was held at the Shanghai headquarters. More than 40 people have attended the meeting, including Gu Xiaoying, General Manager of the joint-stock company; Vice-general Manager of the joint-stock company; General Managers of various business divisions, Director of Chairman Office, Director of Human Resources Center, Lean Principal and their responsible leaders of each business division, representatives of Excellent Lean Improvement Projects, and lean blue and green belt personnel. 

This Conference will focus on the theme of "Sharing · Learning · Continuous Improvement". First of all, the Enterprise Management Center introduced the overall lean work of the joint-stock company in 2018, and reported the working results of the 2018 Lean Improvement Project, the rational proposals from all the staff, the construction of the annual lean talent team, and so on.  

An important agenda for the conference was improvement experiences  sharing given by outstanding lean improvement project representatives - 

  • Qingdao Factory: "layout optimization and logistics improvement" - to improve the layout of warehouse and assembly line, reduce handling, lower labor intensity and promote available production area. 

  • Stamping Factory: "improvement of 600T stamping production efficiency" - to transform the transmission system, reduce production cycle and changeover time, etc., so as to improve production efficiency.

  • Jisheng Factory: "improvement of Intermediate shaft bumping and knocking" - to analyze and improve the entire circulation process, increase the quality level and customer satisfaction.

  • Transmission Plant: "improvement of CD motor production line" - to rearrange and replan the island operations to achieve continuous flow and improve the efficiency of inventory turnover.

  • New Torch: " balance improvement of assembly line " - apply ECRS and 5S standardization to improve production line balance, reduce articles being produced, and improve labor efficiency.

  • Xincheng Factory I: "improvement of MQB shell assembly efficiency" - perfect production cycle to improve the shift output and save labor cost.

At the meeting, the company commended the outstanding units and individuals in lean work in 2018. In addition to the Excellent Lean Improvement Project Awards for the six projects sharing experience, the Power Assembly Division won the 2018 Best Organization Award for Rational Proposals due to its excellent performance with a participation rate of 93% and 1.61 rational proposals per capita. Through the online and offline training of lean blue and green belts and lean project practice, a total of 10 people have obtained green-belt professional qualification for lean management, and 6 people have obtained blue-belt professional qualification for lean management; they were respectively awarded the professional qualification certificates.

Summing up 2018 and looking forward to 2019, this Conference defined the joint-stock company's focus and direction of lean work in 2019:

First, optimize the performance appraisal orientation and focus on the achievement of the lean work objectives in production plants;

Second, strengthen the improvement of labor productivity, excavate and improve the waste links in the production process;

Third, systematically promote lean work, establish model benchmark factories for each business division, and improve the overall lean level;

Fourth, continue to promote the construction of lean talent team and further improve the organization and rights & responsibilities for lean production of business divisions and factories.

General Managers of various business divisions made summary speeches and clear requirements for each factory:

  • Combined with their own business characteristics, optimize the implementation mode, make full use of lean tools, and obtain the maximum benefit with the minimum investment;

  • In the process of new factory construction and new product industrialization, lean requirements must be fully combined for planning and design;

  • It is necessary to start from the three aspects of "mind, technology and body" to form lean thinking, master lean skills, put improvement in practice, facilitate process optimization and improve labor productivity.

Gu Xiaoying, General Manager of the joint-stock company stressed in the summary speech that facing the current situation of automobile market, it is imperative to implement lean production. As the first responsible person, general manager of each business division must clearly define and effectively implement the responsibilities assumed by managers at all levels.

In 2018, Shuanglin implemented lean work in every factory, every post and everyone through each lean improvement activity, having achieved good results and been highly recognized by customers. For example, recently, Liuzhou Factory and Qingdao Factory of Shuanglin won the "Q+ Best Practice Award" and "Q+ Deepening Practice Award" respectively in the "Lean Creates Value, Innovation Leads Future – the Third Presentation Contest for Supplier Capacity Improvement & Continuous Performance Improvement" held by SAIC-GM-Wuling Automobile.